We are a human-centered organization that embraces universal values, respects diverse opinions, and works tirelessly for the future of Turkey by nurturing and appointing the leaders of tomorrow. As youth, we strive to create a generation that takes responsibility, possesses problem-solving skills, and is well-read, inquisitive, and broad-minded. We aim to put an end to the troubling behaviors of youth that disturb society, especially those trapped in the cycle of drugs and wasting time in coffee corners. We are a youth movement dedicated to bringing young people back into society through necessary efforts and initiatives.

By considering human rights as the most essential right, we aim to maintain governance and information assessment at the highest level, addressing the issues of our society, acknowledging the importance of organized communities, and working towards a hopeful future.

On the path of goodwill that we open from Anatolia to the world, the Goodness Association strives to be present wherever there is suffering or difficulty, regardless of religion, language, race, or culture.

ATA Education is a civil initiative dedicated to delivering timely and effective in-kind and financial aid to all orphans and needy individuals it reaches both domestically and internationally. Its mission includes helping orphans hold on tightly to life, finding solutions to drought in barren geographies, contributing to the development and rebuilding of impoverished regions, and serving to build good people, good families, and good communities.

In all these efforts, we adhere to the principles of discipline and transparency, ensuring that we deliver our donors’ contributions in the safest manner. For years, we have been contributing to the education community by providing free training programs.

Vision (Goals):
To be an International Pioneer Environmental Organization.

Mission (Purpose of the Organization):
To safeguard the natural balance for a sustainable environment.

Core Values:

  • Independent
  • Reliable
  • Transparent
  • Prudent
  • Effective and Efficient
  • Scientific and Original
  • Participatory

In this context, despite being a new association, we have implemented numerous activities and participated in various aid efforts.

We have organized and continue to organize free training sessions. Our members contributing to these trainings include:

  • Prof. Dr. Mustafa Yavuz, advisor to former Turkish Minister of National Education Ziya Selçuk
  • Dr. İbrahim Çetin, a mathematics expert and lecturer
  • Nizamettin Tezcan, Deputy Director of National Education
  • Salih Uz, our association president and a German teacher
  • Sait Atay, an English teacher

In these sessions held in İzmir, Antalya, Konya, and Ankara, teachers, school principals, NGO workers and managers, youth, and students also participate.